the Jason Astwood Office newsletter

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About me

Jason has over 20 years of experience in risk management, insurance, financial services, and tax planning. He has founded and co-founded several companies. For the last 20 years, he has assisted thousands of individuals, families, and business owners find solutions to some of their most pressing problems when it comes to their financial wellbeing.

Insurance Articles

3 Ways Your Health Insurance Company Is Scamming You

The growing number of consumers taking up health insurance plans has led to the mushrooming of scam health insurance providers. These providers often target new retirees and the elderly individuals and small-business owners, who can't negotiate better rates with legitimate insurers.

3 Warnings Before Switching Auto Insurance Companies

We've all been bombarded with ads, emails, commercials, and billboards saying how much we can save on our auto insurance by switching to another company. It's a competitive industry. Just because another company is offering a better rate doesn't mean you should rush to call and cancel your insurance and switch. There are a few things you need to make sure of before you do ...


3 Ways Your Life Insurance Company Is Scamming You

Although it makes sense to get in touch with a life insurance company to cover your dependents in the eventuality of your untimely death, there are integrity issues surrounding the insurance companies and agents.

Auto Insurance Black Box Technology meets Your Darkest Fears.

Auto insurance is no longer based on how well you know your insurance agent. Insurance companies can now tell from their statistics who is likely to be a high-risk driver. It's the 'black box' that now determines how much you'll have to pay to insure your car.


5 Easy Steps To Lower Your Auto Insurance Quote.

It was not too long ago when contracts were made on a handshake and a promise. Individuals were not particularly concerned with things like insurance because they relied upon the goodwill of their neighbors to compensate them for wrongful damage.



A Guide To Affordable Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance provides you with a more affordable opportunity to ensure your mortgage payments in the unfortunate event of your death. Even though they are offered for a limited time period, but you can always match them up with your mortgage payment cycles of 10 or 20-year contracts. For the budget-conscious, this definitely seems to be a smarter alternative for a low-cost death benefit.

Tax Articles

IRS sending letters to more than 36 million families who may qualify for monthly Child Tax Credits.

The Internal Revenue Service has started sending letters to more than 36 million American families who, based on tax returns filed with the agency, may be eligible to receive monthly Child Tax Credit payments starting in July.

New FAQs available to aid families and small businesses under the American Rescue Plan.

The Internal Revenue Service today posted two new, separate sets of frequently-asked-questions (FAQs) to assist families and small and mid-sized employers in claiming credits under the American Rescue Plan (ARP).

IRS unveils an online tool to help low-income families register for monthly Child Tax Credit payments.

The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service today unveiled an online Non-filer Sign-up tool designed to help eligible families who don't normally file tax returns register for the monthly Advance Child Tax Credit payments, scheduled to begin July 15.

Call us or schedule a consultation for further information.



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